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Friday, April 1, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: LOST To Return For Season 7

In an exclusive interview with Brian Blogs LOST, Damon Lindelof announces a seventh season for the hit show LOST.

"Many fans were disappointed with the ending of LOST; more than we had anticipated," said Lindelof. "Carlton, J.J. and I all agree that the best thing to do for those fans is to create a seventh season for the series."

Lindelof says that the plans are to do a stand alone season that reboots/redoes the entire series, like the Star Trek movies he is helping to write and produce.

"Most of the cast has gone on to other projects, so it would be nearly impossible to get them back together for this season. We're going to have to recast most of the characters. Charlie Sheen has already signed on to play Jack. We feel Charlie will be perfect as a drug addict trying to reclaim his destiny."

The three hour premiere "Man of Winning, Man of Tiger Blood" will air on September 31.

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