The original "Brian Blogs" TV blog!

Monday, July 1, 2024

How Many Times Have I Rewatched LOST?

[Originally posted on Reddit]

To the best of my recollection:

By season:
  • Season 1: 7 times
  • Season 2: 6 times
  • Season 3: 5 times
  • Season 4: 5 times
  • Season 5: 4 times
  • Season 6: 4 times
"All the way through":
  • Original TV broadcast - 2004-2010
  • DVD binge-through - 2014
  • Blu-ray & DVD binge-through - 2022-2023
  • I watched each season on TV as it aired (with the exception of a few episodes from Seasons 1-3 that I missed during the original broadcast and didn't see until I owned them on DVD).
  • I bought Season 1 on DVD in October or November 2005 and watched it again then.
  • I bought Season 2 on DVD after Christmas 2006 and watched Season 1 and Season 2.
  • I bought Season 3 on DVD in June 2008 and watched Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3.
  • I bought Season 4 on DVD after Christmas 2008, and watched it by itself without the other seasons.
  • I watched Seasons 1-4 in the fall of 2009. I got Season 5 on DVD for Christmas 2009 and watched it again by itself.
  • I bought Season 6 on DVD in August 2010 and watched it again by itself.
  • I watched Seasons 1-6 in Spring 2014.
  • I watched Seasons 1-6 from September 22, 2022 - January 14, 2023.
There are some episodes I have watched by themselves instead of part of a binge, so those episodes have even higher numbers.

Friday, December 1, 2023

LOST Rhapsody HD

LOST Rhapsody was originally created by Robert Montjoy (CapnBob) in 2005. I do not know him and am not associated with him. I found the best quality version of the video, and upgraded the audio. Main Title by JJ Abrams was copied from the LOST Original Television Soundtrack CD, and Bohemian Polka by "Weird Al" Yankovic was purchased and downloaded from Amazon Music. I had to speed up Bohemian Polka by 0.5% for it to fit with the video. I assembled the video and audio in CapCut and exported the video file in 1080p HD.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Blog Cleanup

I'm starting to get excited about LOST again. I'm planning to start rewatching the series on September 22, something I haven't done since 2014. I bought all of the seasons on Blu-ray within the last few years, so that is how I am going to watch the episodes. I don't have any specific plans to do anything on this blog while I rewatch, but I am preparing for that possibility. And one of the first things I did was to clean up the blog. I got rid of most of the posts I made between 2009-2014. Nearly all of them had picture or videos that were no longer available to be displayed, or links that no longer worked. Many posts were about projects the cast and crew of LOST were doing after the show ended, that have either long come out, or never happened. I also shared a lot of links that were promoting other people who weren't me. Also, the bulk of my activity of the blog were from when I was 18-20, so some of the stuff just made me cringe. So I went through and reverted nearly everything to a draft. It's not completely gone, and I might try to see if there is anything I can republish at a later time. But for now, all of my legacy content has been marked as a "Classic Post". Also, I updated the layout of this blog to match other TV blogs I started after this one.

Again, I don't have any specific plans to do anything here during my rewatch. I made plans in 2014, but never ended up doing anything, so I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. Not that I have any readers to make promises to. At this point I'm just running this blog for me.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

How many episode in the entire series of LOST?

It seems like a question that should have a simple answer. But with LOST, there are never any simple answers. I want to start a full series binge soon, and I'm trying to figure out about when it will end based on if I start my rewatch on September 22 and watch one episode a day.

When LOST was broadcast, the Season 1 finale "Exodus (Part 2)", the Season 2 finale "Live Together, Die Alone", the Season 4 finale "There's No Place Like Home (Part 2)", the Season 5 finale "The Incident", and the Season 6 premiere "LA X" were all broadcast as two hour episodes. The DVDs replicate this and include the episodes as full double-length episodes.

On streaming services like Hulu or Freevee, the Season 1 finale is split into Part 2 and Part 3, the Season 2 finale is split into Part 1 and Part 2, the Season 4 finale is split into Part 2 and Part 3, the Season 5 finale is split into Part 1 and Part 2, and the Season 6 premiere is split into Part 1 and Part 2. Splitting the episodes is better for binging, but does not replicate the original broadcast experience.

Now this is where it gets weird. I recently bought the Blu-rays of each season, and that is how I am going to be doing my rewatch. I assumed that they'd be the same as the DVDs, but I decided to check, and it's a good thing I did. Seasons 3-6 were released alongside their DVD counterparts, so the episodes are the same. Seasons 1 and 2 were released on Blu-ray four and three years later, respectively, than their DVD counterparts. Season 1's Blu-ray has "Exodus (Part 2)" and "Exodus (Part 3)". Season 2's Blu-ray has "Live Together, Die Alone (Part 1)" and "Live Together, Die Alone (Part 2)".

When making my tentative rewatch schedule, I based it on 115 episodes. I guess I can stick to that, and just watch "Exodus (Parts 2 & 3)" and "Live Together, Die Alone (Parts 1 & 2)" in one sitting. I just wonder why the Season 1 & 2 Blu-rays edit episodes that weren't edited on the DVDs. But it's LOST, raising more questions that don't have answers.

Note 1: Episode 5.14 "The Variable" is officially recognized as the 100th episode. If you were to go by the DVD episode count, "LA X" would be considered the 100th episode.

Note 2: Wikipedia considers "The End" as being two episodes, even though it was broadcast as one episode and included on DVD, Blu-ray, and most streaming services as one episode. Hulu is the exception, editing "The End" into two episodes, leaving a lot of scenes out, and also including the full uncut episode.

This post was cross-posted to Reddit.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Eighteen People You Meet In Heaven - UPDATED AND EXPANDED

May 23, 2011. It has been one year since “The End” of LOST. Back in August I wrote a review of “The End”. Here it is again, updated and expanded, as well as some points on the season as a whole.

For 5 years, 8 months and 1 day (September 22, 2004 – May 23, 2010) I have been obsessed with LOST. It is a science fiction show with many mysteries. And so, with the end near, I am hoping that LOST will have a satisfying ending with some answers. But no, I was wrong.

Because in the end, it was not about the plane crash. It was not about the island. It was not about the smoke monster. It was not about the hatch. It was not about the DHARMA Initiative. It was not about the others. It was not about the freighter. It was not about the science team or the mercenaries. It was not about the rescue and return. It was not about the time travel. It was not about Jacob and the Man in Black. In the end, it was the stinkin’, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven.”

For those who have never read the book or seen the movie, it is a story about an old man who is killed and goes to “heaven” where he meets five people who he had a great impact on their life. And basically that is what happens at the end of LOST.

Jack dies and goes to this “heaven” as a church and reunites with his dad, Locke, Kate, Desmond and Penny, Sawyer and Juliet, Hurley and Libby, Charlie and Claire, Sun and Jin, Rose and Bernard, Sayid and Shannon, and Boone. And together, they go into the light which is Nirvana or enlightenment or become one with the Force or whatever. And that’s it.

And the end of their time on the island? Desmond goes into the magical electromagnetic light, uncorks the island, turns off the light, the island earthquakes, Smoke-Locke fatally stabs Jack, Kate shoots a now mortal Smoke-Locke in the back, he is thrown over a cliff and dies anticlimactically (not even a final wisp of smoke coming out of the gunshot wound), Jack makes Hurley protector of the island, Jack goes down the cave, saves Desmond, turns the magical electromagnetic light back on (which has healing power and yet for some reason does not heal Jack), Jack is somehow spit out, he walks to the bamboo forest where he woke up all those years ago, he sees the duct taped plane fly over head and he dies. The End.

And that is how LOST ends. This show of science fiction and mystery ended with this multi-religious feel good phooey. It took me a couple months to realize it, but the end of LOST was very disappointing.

The hard-core fans of LOST, to whom the entire series was perfect, use the argument, “It was all about the characters.” Well, if it was just all about the characters it should have been set on a regular island instead of a magical island with smoke monsters, secret groups, murderous “natives,” and a 2,000 year old demigod.

But let’s look at Season Six as a whole. All the plot holes were just patched up with weak duct tape. For instance:

The Temple – In Season Three, Ben called the temple the last safe place on the island. We finally get to see it, and for being so safe, it is fairly easy to sneak in and out of.

The Statue and The Black Rock – We were introduced to the statue’s foot in the Season Two finale, and we saw the entire statue at the end of Season Five. We were shown the Black Rock at the end of Season One. Both of the mysteries, “How did a ship get into the middle of an island?” and “What happened to the rest of the statue?” were answered at once: a tidal wave picked up the ship and threw it through the statue. Way to cover two plot holes with one patch.

And then there’s The Lighthouse. Where did that come from? The characters trekked all over the island for 100 days, and then for three years Jin searched the island grid-by-grid, and yet no one found the lighthouse? That’s because it didn’t exist until it was necessary.

This is just a sample of proof that the writers didn’t have a clear plan about the direction they were going for the final season, and were still making it up as they went along.

(Photo updated July 4, 20204)

Friday, April 1, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: LOST To Return For Season 7

In an exclusive interview with Brian Blogs LOST, Damon Lindelof announces a seventh season for the hit show LOST.

"Many fans were disappointed with the ending of LOST; more than we had anticipated," said Lindelof. "Carlton, J.J. and I all agree that the best thing to do for those fans is to create a seventh season for the series."

Lindelof says that the plans are to do a stand alone season that reboots/redoes the entire series, like the Star Trek movies he is helping to write and produce.

"Most of the cast has gone on to other projects, so it would be nearly impossible to get them back together for this season. We're going to have to recast most of the characters. Charlie Sheen has already signed on to play Jack. We feel Charlie will be perfect as a drug addict trying to reclaim his destiny."

The three hour premiere "Man of Winning, Man of Tiger Blood" will air on September 31.

Friday, October 22, 2010

LOST on Twitter

A few days ago I launched a new feature here: a list of Twitter accounts of the crew, cast, and guest stars of LOST. After doing a search of the internet, I believe I am the only LOST fansite with this feature. If you know of anybody I have missed, or of anywhere else that has a similar feature, please contact me. Until then, enjoy this new feature!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Eighteen People You Meet In Heaven

August 23, 2010. It has been three months since “The End” of LOST. Tomorrow the sixth and final season of LOST comes out on DVD, as well as “The Complete Collection.” So I thought now would be as good as any to write my review of “The End.” For 5 years, 8 months and 1 day (September 22, 2004 – May 23, 2010) I have been obsessed with LOST. It is a science fiction show with many mysteries. And so, with the end near, I am hoping that LOST will have a satisfying ending with some answers. But no, I was wrong. Because in the end it was not about the plane crash. It was not about the island. It was not about the smoke monster. It was not about the hatch. It was not about the DHARMA Initiative. It was not about the others. It was not about the freighter. It was not about the science team or the mercenaries. It was not about the rescue and return. It was not about the time travel. It was not about Jacob and the Man in Black. In the end, it was the stinkin’, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven.” For those who have never read the book or seen the movie, it is a story about an old man who is killed and goes to “heaven” where he meets five people who he had a great impact on their life. And basically that is what happens at the end of LOST. Jack dies and goes to this “heaven” as a church and reunites with his dad, Locke, Kate, Desmond and Penny, Sawyer and Juliet, Hurley and Libby, Charlie and Claire, Sun and Jin, Rose and Bernard, Sayid and Shannon, and Boone. And together, they go into the light which is Nirvana or enlightenment or whatever. And that’s it. And the end of their time on the island? Desmond goes into the magical electromagnetic light, uncorks the island, turns off the light, the island earthquakes, Smoke-Locke fatally stabs Jack, Kate shoots a now mortal Smoke-Locke in the back, he is thrown over a cliff and dies anticlimactically (not even a final wisp of smoke coming out of the gunshot wound), Jack goes down the cave, saves Desmond, turns the magical electromagnetic light back on (which has healing power and yet for some reason does not heal Jack), Jack is spit out, he walks to the bamboo forest where he woke up all those years ago, he sees the duct taped plane fly over head and he dies. The End. (And BTW, Hurley is now in charge of the island and the evil Benjamin Linus is his second in command. (Actually I am looking forward to “New Man In Charge.”)) And that is how LOST ends. This show of science fiction and mystery ended with this multi-religious feel good phooey. It took me a couple months to realize it, but the end of LOST was very disappointing. And yet, I can’t wait to own all six seasons on DVD.

(Photo updated July 4, 20204)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Star Trek and LOST

NOTE: The following contains spoilers from JJ Abrams/Damon Lindelof's 2009 Star Trek movie.

Season Six of LOST has introduced a new way to confuse viewers: the "Flashsideways" alternate "What if Oceanic 815 never crashed?" reality.

The concept of the alternate reality is the basis of the new Star Trek movie, directed by JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof.

A Romulan named Nero and his ship are sucked through a black hole and transported over 100 years into the past. Immediately Nero attacks the USS Kelvin, a federation starship. Among it's passengers are George and Winona Kirk parents of James T. Kirk.

25 years after the destruction of the USS Kelvin and the death of George Kirk, aboard the USS Enterprise, future captain Kirk, and current captain Spock are discussing the realization that Nero is from the future.

Kirk: But you say he's from the future, knows what's gonna happen? Then the logical thing is to be unpredictable.

Spock: You're assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. The contrary, Nero's very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the U.S.S. Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party.

Uhura: An alternate reality.

Spock: Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been if the time continumm was disrupted, our destinies have changed.

This is what has happened on LOST. The detonation of the hydrogen bomb (or something) created an alternate reality for the passengers of 815 and changing their destinies.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Lost Rewatch: What I Have Noticed, Part 1

In "Walkabout", Charlie says, "...last I heard we were positively made of time."
In "House of the Rising Sun", Michael says, "...I figured, hey, why let a $20,000 dollar watch go to waste which is ridiculous since time doesn't matter on a [darn] island."

I was bored, so I watched some of the Deleted Scenes for Season One. The deleted flashback from when Claire talked to 815's pilot caught my attention. Claire confessed to Seth Norris that she was giving her baby up for adoption because a psychic told her to.
PILOT: Uh, look. My mom and dad split up when I was 10. My mom got real depressed; she went and saw this tarot lady that all her friends swore by. She pays tarot lady $400, and tarot lady tells her she is gonna marry this tall light-haired man of healing, with a name that starts with the letter R. Mom was going for Roger.

CLAIRE: What happened?

PILOT: Well, she dumped her boyfriend, Bernard, computer programmer, short, bad comb-over, and then Bernard sold his company from $39 million. My mom’s still waiting for Roger to show up.
Could it be the same Bernard?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Movie Pick of the Month

If you like Matthew Fox in Lost, then you will also like Vantage Point.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Incident: My Rantings

LOCKE IS STILL DEAD!!!!! Who is resurrected Locke if not Locke himself? Obviously he is Man #2 who wanted to kill Jacob. But who is he? Why did he want to kill Jacob so badly? Who is Jacob? And is he dead? What lies in the shadow of the statue? Ricardus knows. And he answered in Latin. And even though I took two years of Latin in high school, I still have no idea what he said. Tha answer is probably something obscure. And how old is Richard? Who is Richard? How did Jacob stop Richard's aging? Why? Everything that happened at the Swan site I didn't see coming? Juliet detonated the bomb. What happened after Juliet detonated the bomb. And Chang probably lost his arm, but his son saved him from much worse. Bye bye Phil. Sawyer cried. Vincent! And Rose! And Bernard! Yay! Interesting lifestyle. Who is Illana? And Bram? Who do they work for? And how and why did they find Locke's body? AND LOCKE IS STILL DEAD!!!!!!!!!! Jacob! We finally meet him. And then he is killed. By Ben. Who killed Locke. WHO IS STILL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jacob is dead. Who didn't care about Ben. Who killed him. But is Jacob actually dead? And Jacob was throughout the story the whole time! He wasn't Just Another Con Of Ben's. He's a real person. And immortal! So how is he dead! What's the loophole? How did Man #2 find it. And why is he impersonating Locke? AND HE IS STILL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sayid! Was shot by Roger. And may die? And he watched Nadia die? Who killed Nadia? JOHN LOCKE IS STILL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Whatever Happened, Happened

Sayid shot young Ben!!! It was shocking! It was unexpected! It provided the perfect cliffhanger; did Sayid change the past and "kill Hitler." My guess is no. The next episode is titled "Whatever Happened, Happened." Ben was shot by Sayid because he was always shot by Sayid. Because Ben is in the future, he survives in the past. You can't change the past. My theory is this: Once again, Ben is going to be dying, and Jack will have to operate on him and save his life. Once again, Jack will be faced with the dillemma: to save Ben or to let him die? But he will know that he saves Ben, because he saves Ben in the future. And future Ben knows Jack will save him because Jack already saved him once. "Loop, dude." But how will Jack, who is believed to be a Workman, be chosen to operate on Ben? Probably the same way mechanic Juliet delivered baby Ethan. It just happens. That's just my theory. I may or may not be right. But it is interesting.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun With Anagrams

Throughout LOST we have seen many anagrams: Ethan Rom (Other Man), Mittelos (Lost Time), Hoffs-Drawler (Flash Forward), Canton Ranier (Reincarnation). Thanks to the helpful Internet Anagram Server, I have anagrammed some of the LOST character's name with some hilarious results. 

Kate Austen: A Steak Tune
James Ford: Same Fjord
Charlie Pace: Peach Eclair
Benjamin Linus: Blame in Jin Sun
Alex Rousseau: Sexual Arouse
Daniel Faraday: Lead Any Afraid
Miles Straum: Slammer Suit, Saltier Mums, Laser Summit, Mature Slims, Summer Tails, Mauls Mister
Martin Keamy: My Mania Trek
Desmond Hume: Mushed Demon
Ji Yeon Kwon: Enjoy I Know
Richard Alpert: Charred Rat Lip
Ana Lucia Cortez: Calico Azure Ant, Car Auction Zeal.

That's it for now. More to come!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Theory and a Revelation

This morning I had a theory and a revelation about Lost. REVELATION: Even though there are no more flashbacks/flash forwards anymore, there are (bear with me.) When the Left Behinders are moving through time, they are flashing back and forward. So although there weren't any flashbacks to 1954, they literally flashed back to that year. THEORY: There are five people/groups who have crashed on the island. We have only seen four.
  1. Oceanic 815 Crash (Pilot; A Tale of Two Cities)
  2. Desmond's Crash (Live Together, Die Alone)
  3. The Nigerian Beechcraft (Because You Left)
  4. The French Team Crash (The Little Prince)

The only other crash that we have not seen is Henry Gale (and possibly wife)'s crash in their hot-air ballon. This was a plot point in Season 2 to introduce Ben, but hasn't been seen since. While the Left Behinders are flashing through time, will they see Gale's balloon crash? It's just a thought.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Welcome to Brian Blogs LOST! I'm Brian, and this is my blog about the hit TV show LOST. About This Blog I've been a fan of LOST ever since the first episode. LOST is the first (and so far only) TV show that I have faithfully purchased every season on DVD. I have been perplexed by all the mysteries, yet have watched the show all the while it gets weirder and more supernatural. My original purpose for this blog was to start writing recaps and analysis for each episode of LOST, as inspired by Therese Odell's LOST blog on However, since Therese's blog is so brilliant, and any blog I create would never measure up, I am now going to just post my thoughts and theories here.